Musical Director

Jane Ward

Jane took over as Musical Director for the No.1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra in 2014. She started playing the accordion at age 7, taking exams and entering competitions. When she was 21 she became All British Champion, and has been on a steady decline ever since! She was lead accordionist in the Colchester-based Jenny’s Accordionists for 35 years, during which time she also played in Scottish, German and Polish bands. 35 years ago she was asked to play for a Cotswold Morris side, which introduced her to folk music (and her husband). She played with a ceilidh band for 25 years and is currently in a trio, playing folk and original music with a cellist and guitar/mandolin player, and also accompanies a tenor singer, with music from the 17 th Century to present day. She has also been a tutor at Halsway Manor in Somerset and has depped at Cecil Sharp House. Being invited to work with the No.1 Ladies has fulfilled a long-time ambition to conduct an accordion orchestra and has also meant learning new skills in arranging ensemble music.

Here is Jane, conducting the Rondeau from Abdelazer Suite.

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Copyright © 2025 No 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra